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Pentatonic Shapes on the Fretboard

One of things that is crucially important for all guitar students to learn are the pentatonic shapes on the fretboard. Usually I suggest getting very comfortable playing in Shape 1 Easy shape before you explore the others. But once you're ready to do that, you'll find that memorizing the other shapes is not that hard. Remember to just visualize the shape and where the roots are so that you know how to find them.

One thing that helps students to memorize the shapes is to have a name for each one. Most people just number them, shape 1, 2 etc. But having a "nickname" that describes the shape really helps us to remember which one is which.

I have updated my handout that I've been using for 15 years now with these "nicknames" on top of each shape to help you find them better. "Easy Shape," also known as "Shape 1," is in the top middle spot.

Download a printable PDF using the link below.

Now get hundreds of great ideas on how to get better at using the Minor Pentatonic scale from our Patreon group. It's free to try for 7 days. Try it out today, you've got nothing to lose.

All my students here in Vancouver have these in their books. I'd recommend you keep copies close as well. If you don't have these shapes memorized yet, start with one you do know -- get to know each one well before you move on to memorizing the next.

If you try to memorize them all at once, I find students tend to forget them. Just get to know one really well, then try another. Don't be in a hurry. We need to know these like the backs of our hands.

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