I've always loved the Tapestry album by Carol King -- despite the fact that it's not a guitar based album. The songwriting is incomparable. The performances perfect. This is one of her best songs in my opinion. It was also covered famously by The Shirelles, in quite a different manner but also excellent.
Below is the tab for my acoustic fingerstyle guitar arrangement of "Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow" by Carol King. I've tried to mimic some of her piano playing at times when there is no vocal part. But I only do that in a handful of measures because I still want this arrangement to feel and sound guitar-like.
The Bridge is going way up to the 10th fret for an F bar chord. So if you're not familiar with your bar chord shapes, you might want to review them before you start. There is some left-hand fingering tips below the tab where I felt it might help.
Fingerstyle Guitar Tab
Download a PDF of the guitar tab here or you can read the entire arrangement below.